The second wave of Fire Emblem Engage DLC dropped after the February 2023 Nintendo Direct, and with it came new additions to the game’s cast. Alongside other items that help you in the game, Wave 2 DLC for Fire Emblem Engage included three additional Emblems. One of these Emblems is Hector, the Emblem of Strength. If you’re wondering how to use him, here’s our guide on the best units to use Emblem Hector with in Fire Emblem Engage.
Best units to use Emblem Hector with in Fire Emblem Engage
The best units to pair with Emblem Hector are units who prioritize either defense or self-sustainability. This is due to the amount of skills he has relevant to both your defense, and playing offensively. His stat boost via bonding with him is a dual strength- and defense-boosting one. The stat boost he provides only gives credence to this being the case.
Some of the better units to use with Emblem Hector in Fire Emblem Engage are units like Timerra. Timerra, who we also have a guide for helping you build her, focuses mostly on defense. The higher her defense stat is, the better with her unique class skill Sandstorm, which sometimes uses defense as her attack calculator. This doesn’t happen all the time however, and is triggered by her dexterity, meaning that boosting her defense and attack with one skill slot is incredibly handy.
The Brodian prince, Diamant, is another unit to use Emblem Hector with in Fire Emblem Engage. Diamant is the most self-sustaining member of the Fire Emblem Engage cast. He uses axes and swords on the frontlines while taking damage relatively well. This playstyle perfectly fits Hector’s skills and bonuses he gives. Hector’s Type Bonus, Impenetrable, means that if the user initiates combat, you receive a defense/resistance bonus of +30%.
Hector also uses axes and swords, meaning he fits right into your Diamant build as is. If you’re looking for team variety, you could position him with other units to add new sword/axe users to the team.
Emblem Hector’s best skills to use in Fire Emblem Engage
Hector’s best skills are the ones listed above. His Type Bonus is handy for units that use him, and his defense and attack buffs really help for the types of units that Hector pairs well with. His other skills, however, are no slouches. Heavy Attack is a skill that adds damage to any attack you use, up to a +5 limit — as much as the equipped weapon’s weight is lowering your speed. So pairing this skill with someone with a lower build, but a heavier weapon, would work wonders.
Note: For more, check out our Fire Emblem Engage guides and features hub.
Fire Emblem Engage is available for purchase on the Nintendo Store.
Published: Feb 10, 2023 6:02 PM UTC