Conduit is the new Legend coming alongside Season 19 Ignite. You’re probably wondering what the best team compositions are for Conduit in Apex Legends.
She’s a Support Legend focused on boosting her allies’ temporary Shields. Let’s narrow down some good team comps for Conduit.
Apex Legends: Best Conduit team comps
There are many Legends that can be interchangeable with others if they can provide similar benefits, so you may not agree with some of my choices. But here is a list of what I believe to be the best team compositions that mesh well with Conduit and her abilities in Apex Legends.
- Full support: Conduit, Lifelife, Newcastle
- Up-close and personal: Conduit, Revenant, Ballistic
- Defense: Conduit, Gibraltar, Newcastle
- Fast and furious: Conduit, Octane, Wraith
- Area control: Conduit, Seer, Caustic

For a full support squad, you can try out Lifeline and Newcastle with Conduit. While Conduit and Lifeline deal with health and shield regeneration, Newcastle can use his Mobile Shield and Castle Wall for some extra defense. Up-close and personal is good if you want to get right into the action since Conduit’s Ultimate is good for keeping enemies from running away. This team includes Revenant and Ballistic, so you’ll have an Assault and Skirmisher Legend with you.
Related: Features and updates in Apex Legends Season 19 – Cross progression, Storm Point, Conduit, and more
For a defensive team composition, I recommend adding Gibraltar and Newcastle to Conduit’s squad. Conduit keeps everyone’s shields up, while Gibraltar and Newcastle fortify your team even more. The comp I call fast and furious is good for Conduit’s passive, which allows her to gain a speed boost to catch up to speedy team members like Octane and Wraith. This is a fast-traversal type of team comp.
Finally, area control is good for locking enemies down and trapping them in one area. Conduit’s Ultimate throws down shield-damaging barricades to close enemies in, Caustic can add to the damage with his traps, and Seer will make sure to reveal any hidden enemies trying to run away.
Apex Legends is free to play via Steam.
Published: Oct 31, 2023 5:52 PM UTC