World of Warcraft fans have been pleased with the many new changes that the Dragonflight expansion has brought into the game. Additions range from an entirely new continent to a new class and race. Since the RPG adventure offers tons of customization options for players, it is important that new things are constantly added to the game in order to keep the meta fluid and avoid its content from becoming stale. Another great addition that came last year alongside Dragonflight’s release was a massive revamp to the profession system in World of Warcraft. Players were given many new options after choosing professions, including niche specializations that help to boost characters, especially in the endgame stages of the RPG. In this guide, we will cover some of the best professions for you to choose in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight!
The Alchemy Profession
If you’re into chemistry in real life, then this is definitely the profession for you. Mix all kinds of chemicals and potions together to create healing draughts, damaging potions, and other kinds of creations. As you level up the Alchemy profession, you will be able to transmute resources into other kinds of materials, like changing one type of metal into another! Think of the Philosopher’s Stone, a real-world mythical substance capable of turning metal into gold. The three specializations that you can choose as you gain experience while being an alchemist are the Master of Potions, Master of Elixirs, or Master of Transmutation specializations. They all let you unlock different abilities and creations relating to potions, elixirs, and the power of transmutation.
One of the reasons that Alchemy is such a strong profession is due to the fact that it can be beneficial to all character classes in the game. You can create buffs and healing potions for fighters, mana buffs and spell boosters for magical classes, and also sell your potions to other players for a profit. A popular combination is the professions of Alchemy and Herbalism because you need many of the herbs that herbalists find, and often. A powerful spell that alchemists will learn to create is the invisibility spell, which can help you avoid detection or give you the advantage of surprise.
The Inscription Profession
Although the Inscription profession is indeed the least popular among all players of the game — at least in terms of usage — it remains a great pick for players who use the Nightborne race in the game, because they get a +5 racial bonus to their Inscription skill because of their race. By choosing the Inscription profession, you will be able to create special glyphs that can boost spells and abilities all classes in the game use. Your glyphs can also affect various other types of items, such as off-hand items, scrolls, and staves.
This profession focuses more on service and production than gathering, unlike some other professions, but it will allow you to learn the Milling ability, which allows you to crush herbs into different types of pigments. You can then make use of these pigments for scribe’s ink, in order to create the glyphs you want. Due to the need for herbs to create ink for scribes, the Inscription profession is most often paired up with the Herbalism profession to make a powerful combination.
The Engineering Profession
Frequently hailed as the most “fun” profession to play, Engineering is certainly a popular pick for players who are looking to get their hands on a ton of different mechanical tools and devices. Although it is a decently complex profession to master, and therefore not very well suited for beginner players, Engineering can offer you massive advantages in battle once you learn to use it properly. Classified as a production profession, engineers will be able to create many different weapons, explosives, and even mechanical pets for themselves!
You will need plenty of stone, metal, and minerals in order to make new creations, though, so be sure to stock up well on those every so often. This profession is not as profitable as others are, but this pays off because it’s more lighthearted and engaging than other profession choices. If your character is a Gnome, you will be given a +15 racial bonus to your Engineering skill as well, which is a nice boost. One of the most popular tools that engineers can use is called the Gnomish Army Knife, and it is a community favorite because when used by an engineer, it is able to resurrect a dead player. It cannot be used in combat and has a 30-minute cooldown, but the lifesaving potential for this tool is powerful.
The Enchanting Profession
Have you ever played Minecraft and enchanted your items to make them more powerful? Well, the Enchanting profession in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight functions in a similar manner! You can make your items more powerful by using essences, dusts, and shards to give them special abilities and magical enchantments. You will need to sacrifice some of your other magical items in order to get these materials, though, so disenchanting niche items you no longer need is what we recommend if you’re looking for more essences, dusts, and shards. If your character’s race is a Blood Elf, you will be given a race bonus of +10 to your Enchanting profession.
Some other helpful benefits of choosing the Enchanting profession are that you can produce magical oils and low-level wands. These items can help you in combat, especially when you apply the oils to your weapons. They give them different kinds of buffs which are sure to help you out in battle against enemies. One potential drawback to choosing the Enchanting profession is that it can be expensive to level up your weapons, and this cost only increases as they get more powerful. You will need to have a Runed Copper Rod in your inventory at all times if you wish to do enchantments.
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Published: Oct 5, 2023 5:27 PM UTC