Modern Warfare Zombies is far better than it has any right to be and has introduced many to the simple pleasure of mowing down the undead. Players quickly realize how brutal high-level areas on the map can be. You can’t just bring any weapon and expect to do well. With this in mind, let me show you the best guns to use in Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ)
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Top 10 best weapons to use in MWZ
Mobility is king in Modern Warfare Zombies and is critical in picking the best guns for defeating the undead horde. Another deciding factor is magazine size, as you’re vulnerable whenever you reload. Weapon choice is essential, but ensure you’re upgrading and using the Pack a Punch whenever you can.
Karambit/Gutter Knife
We’re starting the list off light with the Knives. These melee weapons instantly kill Zombies in low-threat areas, and you never have to worry about ammo. I overlooked Knives for the longest time in higher-tier areas until I realized how powerful they are with Pack-a-Punch.
The Knives are surprisingly powerful in MWZ, but getting so close to your opponents is always a risk.
FTAC Siege
I raved about the FTAC Siege when it dropped in MW2, and it slaps in MWZ. As the weapon is technically a Secondary, you have crazy mobility and a rapid rate of fire.
Pack-a-Punch and upgrades fix the damage output and help the FTAC Siege stand amongst the best primary weapons in the game. If you find mobs are constantly swarming you, take this weapon for a spin, as your movement speed should keep you out of trouble.
Holger 26
LMGs aren’t the dominating force in MWZ that they are in wave-based Zombies, but they are still worth using. I’ve had the most success with the Holger 26 and its chunky magazine size.
The weapon is a monster with Pack-a-Punch, but you must closely monitor your surroundings. Mobility is the most essential thing in MWZ, and your speed takes a substantial hit if you rock an LMG. If you’re careful and keep your distance from enemy mobs, you’ll have fun with this weapon.

I might rate the Longbow a little high as it’s my favorite gun in MW3, but it’s also surprisingly strong against Zombies. The Longbow boasts high mobility, high damage, and a solid rate of fire.
The weapon comes into its own with Pack-a-Punch, as it fires two bullets at a time, doubling the already decent damage. The high damage makes this Sniper Rifle a solid boss killer, although you can fall back on it for mobs if required.
If you want to boost the fire rate even further, spend an attachment slot on the SA-M Quickbolt.
WSP Swarm
The WSP Swarm is usually a mid-tier weapon but shines with the WSP Akimbo Brace Stock conversion kit. The Akimbo mod turns the WSP Swarm into a pair of bullet hoses. Each gun has a 100-round magazine with Pack-a-Punch, and the high rate of fire kicks out absurd amounts of damage.
You have to get pretty close to use the Akimbo WSP Swarms to their fullest. Once you’re there, you can delete mobs of Zombies and do a surprising amount of damage to elites and bosses.
RGL-80 Grenade Launcher
While the Grenade Launcher isn’t too good against bosses, it’s amazing at clearing mobs and can delete swathes of enemies at a time. With Pack-A-Punch, you can stroll into high-threat zones with this thing and lay waste to anything that comes your way.
The RGL-80 can work against bosses, but it’s hard to land direct hits on mobile targets. As it’s an explosive weapon, PhD Flopper is essential as it negates self-damage.
Although I prefer automatic weapons, the lethality of the Crossbow can’t be understated. Equipped with Thermite Bolts, this weapon can decimate hordes of Zombies but is also potent against bosses.
Many of the significant threats in MWZ are weak to fire, which the Crossbow provides. On top of that, the continuous burn damage means anything you shoot at won’t be standing for long. The Crossbow reloads quickly, but you’ll ideally have something more versatile to fall back on for trash mobs.

The Tyr is horrendous in multiplayer but, thankfully, has its niche against Zombies. If you’ve used the Tyr, you’re likely put off by its sluggish rate of fire, but the weapon truly shines with Akimbo.
While not a mob clearer, Akimbo Tyr can punch through the toughest horrors in MWZ, making it one of the few reliable boss killers on this list. Elite enemies are dangerous in high-tier areas, but few can stand against the stopping power of the Akimbo Tyr.
It should surprise nobody to see the Raygun on the list. This insane weapon is made for killing Zombies and deals high damage while retaining your mobility.
The Raygun is the best Wonder Weapon in the game and has so much going for it that you need a good reason not to pick it up. This weapon has everything, from massive, damaging projectiles to an excellent ammo economy.
The only downside is the Raygun has a slower rate of fire than in older Call of Duty games. It’s not a dealbreaker, but beware if you’re a CoD Zombies veteran, as the Raygun feels quite different.
PDSW 528
You rarely find a gun so well suited for tearing down hordes of Zombies. The PDSW 528 is incredible and sports the fantastic mobility stats you expect from the SMG class. The gun also comes with a 50-shot magazine, which is decent, and a quick reload time to match.
This weapon earns the top spot on the list for its Pack-A-Punch variants. Out of nowhere, the weapon gains a 400-shot magazine, meaning you never have to reload. Suddenly, you have a gun with the mobility of an SMG but the magazine size of an LMG and virtually zero recoil. The PDSW 528 does it all, and as more players catch on, I expect we’ll see this gun a lot in MWZ.
Other Modern Warfare Zombies articles
Published: Dec 1, 2023 7:03 PM UTC