Best Graphics in Games on PS3
by Menashe
Best Graphics Series
-Introduction: What Are Good Graphics?
-Best Graphics in Games on PC
-Best Graphics in Games on PS3
-Best Graphics in Games on Xbox 360
-Best Graphics in Games on Wii
-Best Graphics in Multiplatform Games
-Best Art Styles in Games
-Best Graphics in Upcoming Games
-10 Best Looking Games Overall this Gen
In this list we will be looking at the most stunning game on the PS3. These games were the ones that rose head and shoulders above the rest. It’s hard to say which game was THE BEST game of all, but I would say it’s probably Uncharted 3. Although, I was also really impressed by Killzone. Of course, Uncharted 2 is also on the list because it was considered gorgeous until Uncharted 3 topped it. I refer to The Naughty Dog Engine as the Hollywood Engine because its strong points really make their games look like blockbuster films. Back when it first came out, the winner of the graphics award on PS3 probably would have gone to Metal Gear Solid 4, and it has held up fairly well over time. Heavy Rain is on the list for sheer beauty of the world it protrays, and even more so for the realistic character models up close. God of War 3 is a beast of technical mastery in the graphics department, as is Gran Turismo 5, which pushes the photo-realism. (Where have I heard that before? See Forza 4.) Lastly, we have Wipeout HD Fury which is absolutely stunning in its blazing high speeds. If you’re looking for Journey, it made it to the the Best Art Styles list.
Here’s the full list of games and screenshots for the Best Graphics in Games on PS3 (only exclusives):
God of War 3
Gran Turismo 5
Heavy Rain
Killzone 3
Metal Gear Solid 4
Uncharted 2
Uncharted 3
Wipeout HD Fury
Click on the thumbnails for a better look
Published: Aug 23, 2012 09:49 am