Upon starting your journey with the three main protagonists of this CRPG, you must choose an Archetype. We can help you choose the best character builds and Archetypes in Sovereign Syndicate.
Each character has four different Archetypes, each with unique starting Attributes, Major Arcana card, and Traits. All of these features can influence your experience throughout the game.
Sovereign Syndicate: Best Archetypes and character builds
Depending on what your Archetype is called, that is the Attribute that’ll receive the most amount of points to start (+8). The starting Attributes then continue, the next getting +5, and the last +2. Again, these are just to start, as you can keep upgrading your Attributes throughout the game.
Nevertheless, your chosen Archetype can affect how easily you can get through Sovereign Syndicate’s skill checks, especially since you receive a unique Trait and Major Arcana card with each Archetype.

Atticus Daley
- Animal Instinct
- Spryness
- Self-Discipline
- Wit
For Atticus Daley, the first character you control, I found that the Animal Instinct Archetype came in handy most often. With the Intimidating Trait, I nearly always got what I wanted. Sometimes it was fun being a little scary. Then I’d recommend Spryness, (Animal Instinct Archetype also give +5 Spryness), which can be a good second choice if you don’t like intimidating people.
With the Charlatan Trait, instead of Intimidation you can simply fool people with your charisma and sleight-of-hand. Close to that is the Self-Discipline Archetype that gives you the Illusionist Trait. This will become useful once you gain the ability to disguise yourself as a human.
I put Wit at the bottom of the list because Atticus’s story didn’t really call for it. You gain the Self Reliant Trait, but I prefer all the other Traits.

Clara Reed
- Intellect
- Tact
- Intuition
- Grace
Intellect is probably the best Archetype you can choose for Clara. I’ve found that through succeeding in certain Intellect-based checks, I’ve uncovered pretty useful information for my quests. She also gains the Polymath Trait, opening up more dialogue options that showcase her vast knowledge of the world.
Related: Sovereign Syndicate: “Missing Orphans” quest guide
Through this Archetype, you also gain +5 in Tact, which is the second-best Archetype to choose. With the Chameleon Trait, you can easily blend in with situations you’re not normally meant to be in and fake your way to gaining information.
Intuition gives you the Stubborn Trait, but I didn’t want to be forced into making decisions just because Clara was feeling Stubborn. I put Grace last because you don’t end up using that too often, as Clara didn’t find herself in many scuffles.

Teddy Redgrave
- Ingenuity
- Empathy
- Analysis
- Impulse
I went for the Ingenuity Archetype, and I stand by it. Teddy is a craftsman and an intelligent dwarf, so it came in handy to have the Creative Trait. Certain checks in the game rely on his Ingenuity skills.
Next is Empathy, which earns you the Insightful Trait. I do believe that this Archetype can be good for Teddy in some instances, as he often seeks to help others in his career. Analysis is pretty similar to Ingenuity, and you’ll get the Meticulous Trait, which is good in skill checks requiring safety and care so as to not break something.
I listed Impulse as last because that’s not the kind of character I wanted Teddy to be. Sure, he’s a monster hunter, and you’d get the Brutal Trait, but there weren’t many instances that I found myself wanting to make impulsive choices.
Published: Jan 15, 2024 5:01 AM UTC