Speaking to IncGamers in an interview to be published in the coming days, Dark Vale Games (developers of forthcoming ‘pure PvP’ title Forge) have expressed what it meant to be ‘Greenlit’ on Steam and described some of the processes behind the system.
“Getting that official confirmation was one of the highlights of the year for us,” said Tim Alvis of Dark Vale. “Given our lack of exposure,? ?we?’?re quite proud that we were still able to be among the very first to be selected by the public to make its way onto Steam.”
Talking about the fee introduced by Valve shortly after the Greenlight system was unveiled on Steam, Alvis says “I think the fee is the right way to go and was a necessity to stop the flood of fake posts or posts from people that just didn?’?t understand the submission process.?”
Of the system itself, the Forgedeveloper says “The process? ?was quite chaotic at first for us,? ?as we along with most everyone weren?’?t really sure how it should operate … we didn?’?t know officially [that the game had been Greenlit] before anyone else.”
Forge’s beta is currently free to play for a 14 day period. You can register and download the client from the game’s official site. Look out for the full interview in the next few days on IncGamers.com.
Published: Oct 31, 2012 08:05 pm