Sifting through other people’s luggage or frisking sweaty bodies would not be my ideal job but with upcoming VR title TSA Frisky you can become a TSA agent at home.
Developed by Out There Entertainment, players will become a TSA agent and work the security line at an airport security checkpoint. Players will have to frisk passengers, look through luggage and find contraband items. Perform well and you might even get a promotion.
To achieve promotion and rise up the TSA ranks players will be plunged into stressful situations and have to get to grips with new equipment which will also increase passenger numbers. More passengers means more stress.
“[The team] liked the idea of taking the dreaded security check at the airport and use VR to really exploit the fun in that,” said Remy Bustani, one of the founders of the game. “VR is a unique platform and gives us as developers the tools to take something out of real life and make something fun out of it.”
TSA Frisky comes out on 17 May and there is a demo available now on Steam should you fancy sorting through some virtual suitcases and harassing passengers with wandering hands. The full game also has its own Steam page but give the demo a try first.
Published: May 2, 2018 10:53 pm