Banjo-Kazooie creator Steve Mayles has been proud of his bear and bird duo lately. Both Banjo and Kazooie have really come back into the spotlight with their recent announcement as playable fighters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. However, in a recent column at Video Games Chronicle, Mayles wrote that the upswing in the duo’s popularity could lead to something more. At least, that what he hopes. Mayles is now calling on Microsoft, the current owner of Banjo-Kazooie, for remakes of the classic games. And maybe even a sequel.
Mayles wrote that he was surprised by the electrified reaction of fans to the characters’ Smash addition. The reason, he surmises: “Part of it is (Banjo-Kazooie) being away for so long, and a part of it is returning to a Nintendo console. And maybe just a small part because they are decent characters!”
Not at all puzzling
Now is possibly the best time for Banjo-Kazooie to stage their comeback. The decision, however, won’t be up to Mayles, who helped create the art for Yooka-Laylee. Banjo-Kazooie is currently owned by Microsoft’s Xbox Game Studios, which published Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts in 2008.
Mayles believes that Microsoft should take a cue from Activision The publisher released the remakes Crash N. Sane Trilogy and the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Microsoft could certainly work on something similar for the three Banjo-Kazooie games. If the remakes — or even remasters — are successful, Mayles believes that could convince Microsoft to even develop a new game.
“Could the reaction of fans to Banjo and Kazooie in Smash persuade Microsoft to make another Banjo game? The revival of Spyro and Crash went pretty well after all,” Mayles speculated. “I think a fairly safe way to gauge demand for a new game would be a remaster of the original two games. Then if the interest is there perhaps we could see Banjo return in the new no-expense-spared game he and Kazooie deserve.”
Published: Sep 7, 2019 12:45 AM UTC