Within the House of Healing Morgue there’s a decent amount of loot to find. There’s also a rather tough fight you can encounter against a group of reanimated skeletons. But alongside that, there’s a locked door you might have encountered that won’t open. Well, there’s luckily an easy solution to this. Let’s get into how you can unlock the locked door in the Morgue in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Unlock the door in the House of Healing Morgue
First things first, if you haven’t found the House of Healing yet, check out our guide on that. Then to find the Morgue, head over to the west side of the House of Healing and follow the path outside. You’ll eventually see the path descend into a dark tunnel. You’ll then find yourself in the Morgue in Baldur’s Gate 3 where we can start looting.
You’ll find the locked metal door in the Morgue along the Northern side of the area. Now, this door has a few solutions to open it up. Unfortunately, it can’t be destroyed, so brute strength won’t do us any good. It can be lockpicked but has a DC of 30, so you may end up wasting a lot of Thieves Tools if you try it that way. And the lever on the right-hand side appears to do nothing, so the solution here isn’t obvious.
What you really need to do is enter the locked room that’s located on the far western side of the Morgue. This is a DC 18 lock which makes it much easier to open than the metal door. Inside you’ll see a ghastly room full of alchemical bottles and human remains. But cast your eyes on the lever that’s just to the left of the center table. Pull this and then return to the locked door. This lever unlocks the next lever near the metal door, which I know is confusing but just trust in the process. Baldur’s Gate 3 has quite a few puzzles just like this one in the Morgue that can be a little strange at times.
Throw the lever down and you’ll find the door swinging open to reveal a cave. There’s not much to see in here immediately, but head down the stairs and look to the west to see a chest on a small platform. A normal jump won’t quite reach this point, so use Misty Step or Fly to get across. Inside this chest, you’ll find the Fleshmelter Cloak which deals 1-4 Acid damage to any enemies that attack you with melee. It’s a nice reward and that makes exploring the Morgue in Baldur’s Gate 3 very worthwhile.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available on PC.
Published: Aug 22, 2023 4:09 PM UTC