Collectibles are a staple for most games nowadays, regardless if the game is open-world. And while there are not a lot of them, we’re going to go through the entire game and take a look at all Lagniappes in Alone in the Dark.
Alone in the Dark — All Lagniappes locations

Lagniappes are collectibles you find throughout your time roaming Derceto Manor and beyond. There are a total of 45 Lagniappes, separated into 15 sets of 3. Completing sets earns you different bonuses such as more story info, an optional weapon, and even alternate endings.
What’s more, these collectibles span the entirety of the game, so there might be some slight spoilers. So if you want to have a fresh experience for your first playthrough, you might wanna revisit this guide once you’ve beat the game. Some collectibles are earned just by playing the story, while others require you to venture off the beaten path and search for more.
We’ll be sure to provide you with an image of the map when we can, of course, some of the Lagniappes we talk about are in locations without a map. Be sure to pay attention to which chapter we found them in, as well as which character you have to play as when applicable. But with that out of the way, let’s dive straight in and take a look at all Lagniappes locations in Alone in the Dark.
Vagabonds set
Canopic Jar
This collectible is found right under our noses in the Sunken Temple during Chapter 3. Once you rope down to the actual place, you’ll notice a large statue on one side of the room. Walk up to the statue, and the Canopic Jar is located at its feet.
A Brightness From Afar
During Chapter 2 as Detective Carnby, once you find the Medicine Box Key, head back up to the Mezzanine. Where Ruth was sitting, is now the Lagniappe A Brightness from Afar.
Broken Compass
During the Steamboat section of Chapter 4, your objective is to get the Steamboat moving and help Jeremy. After walking across the boat and reaching the three flights of stairs, head down to the bottom of the ship. Enter through the double doors at the bottom, and the Broken Compass is on top of some barrels.
A Goat Without Horns set
Profane Totem
The Profane Totems is yet another collectible you can only get as Detective Carnby. In Chapter 4 when you’re dealing with Carnby’s trauma, you find yourself back at the Pearl River Bridge. As you’re navigating through the trees across from the bridge, you’ll find a few run-down houses.
One of these is located next to a lamppost and has an opening towards the back side of the house. Walk towards it, and prepare to deal with an enemy before being able to claim your Lagniappe.
Preserved Reptile
During Chapter 1, you’ll be whisked away to the French Quarters after finding an interesting painting. Find your way to the shop with Batiste inside. After a brief cutscene plays, the Lagniappe is located on a table directly behind Batiste.
Jangling Shaker
The last collectible you need to get for this secret ending is found in the Grand Parlor on the first floor of Derceto Manor. On your way down to the Infirmary in Chapter 4, you have to pass through a strangely refurbished Grand Parlor. Before leaving the room, walk behind the bar, and the Jangling Shaker will be sitting on the floor.
A Great Depression set
Halfway through Chapter 2, you’ll be able to open wedged doors around the house. One of these wedged doors is located in the Stair Hall on the second floor. Open the door and enter into the hallway before you enter the Mezzanine.
Heading downstairs to the Grand Parlor is what you would normally do, instead you should continue left around the Mezzanine until you reach the door to the other hallway. The Beignet Lagniappe is located to the left of the door.
Immediately after finding the Beignet in the Mezzanine, walk to the staircase and head down to the Grand Parlor. Here you’ll find some main story objectives, but on the piano in the middle of the room, you’ll also find the Syringe.
Rat Poison
The Rat Poison Lagniappe is the very first collectible players find in a playthrough. At the beginning of Chapter 1, as you’re exploring the basement before you let Emily/Carnby inside from upstairs, you’ll have the option to go left in the kitchen to head upstairs.
However, if you enter the door to the right, you’ll find the Rat Poison in the right corner of the room.
All The World’s A Stage set
Toy Talisman
The Toy Talisman is one of the last collectibles you can get on your first playthrough. At the end of Chapter 4 when you visit Dr. Gray’s Apartment, go ahead and place the false book in the bookshelf. When the bookshelf opens, don’t go into the room.
Instead, turn around and there should be an item you can pick up on the ground. Grab it, and you’ll have the Toy Talisman Lagniappe.
Box of Biscuits
After you “deal with Emily’s trauma” in Chapter 4, you’ll find yourself in the locked-off section of the Infirmary in the basement of Derceto Manor. Go to the opposite corner of the room where you turned on the power. Along with some clues and letters, you’ll find the Box of Biscuits Lagniappe.
Curious Napkin
This collectible is one you can only obtain by playing as Detective Carnby. When you revisit the French Quarters to deal with your trauma in Chapter 4, you’ll be taken from your office to the apartment of a former suspect. As soon as you enter the building, you’ll see a memory of when Carnby was there before. On a small table in the entryway of the apartment, is the Curious Napkin Lagniappe.
A Thousand Young set
Severed Horn
During Chapter 3, after making your way into the warehouse explore the first floor thoroughly. At the front of the building near the front door, check the left corner where a lot of boxes are stacked up. The Severed Horn is on a box next to a Molotov.
Forsaken Crucifix
After you’ve come back to Derceto Manor from the Oil Rig in Chapter 2, you’ll need to open the Food & Wine Cellar to grab a valve for the boiler. But before you grab the valve, make sure to grab the Forsaken Crucifix on the wine shelf right before the small stairs.
Nurse’s Watch
I found this collectible towards the end of Chapter 2, before heading to the Cemetary. Make your way back to Lottie’s Room where you need to grab one of the medicine bottles. In her room on the windowsill is where you find the Nurse’s Watch.
Beast Of Burden set
Unmasked Evil
The first Lagniappe of Chapter 3 is found in the Convent of Taroella, where you have to run from The Dark Man. On the top floor where you grab the cross, turn left at the stairs and squeeze through a crack in the wall. The Umasked Evil collectible is on the table in this room.
Gazing Statuette
The Gazing Statuette is the only Lagniappe you’ll find at the Oil Rig, and it’s a bit hidden. After you break through the red gate, you’ll see a few houses that you can loot, with the large Oil Rig over to your right.
However, if you go towards the water on the left side of the house, you start to hear music. Follow the music by passing through wooden pallets, and you’ll find the source inside a building. Along with a monster that you have to dispatch, the Gazing Statuette is on a table in the middle of the room.
Mummified Cat
On your way to finding the broken plates in Chapter 2, you must head into the Kitchen Garden. You can grab this collectible at any time, but we recommend grabbing it before solving the puzzle here. In front of the large statue, there’s a small grave that’s been dug. Investigate the hole in the ground, and you’ll find yourself a mummified cat.
Death Of The Author set
Typewriter Ribbon
The Typewriter Ribbon is technically the second Lagniappe you get in Chapter 3 after the Matchbook. In the first section of Gallatin Street, you’ll need to move a crane to get into the shipping company warehouse. Right before you go down the ramp to the sewers, go left towards the small walkway towards the water sticking out of the dock. At the end of this walkway on a box, is the Typewriter Ribbon you are searching for.
Movie Script
The manuscript for Slaughter Gulch is yet another collectible we need to get our hands on. In Chapter 4, head back to Cassandra’s Room on the second floor. You’ll notice it’s a bit different from the last time you entered it. But right next to the door is her typewriter, along with the Movie Script Lagniappe.
Broken Spectacles
The Broken Spectacles are found in Chapter 4 once you’ve returned to Derceto Manor from the Sunken Temple. Make your way to the bathroom (marked “MC”) on the first floor. open the cabinet under the sink, and you’ll find yourself a pair of smushed glasses.
Dying With Dignity set
War Photo
The War Photo is one of the few Emily exclusive collectibles in the game. In Ruth’s room during Chapter 4, walk towards her vanity on the left side of the room. Next to the mirror is a War Photo, bringing you one step closer to the secret ending.
Sheet Music
During the Cemetery section in Chapter 2, there’s a part where you’ll need to run away from a horde of creatures after grabbing the last medallion. At the end of that sequence, you’ll have a smaller underground section to go through before eventually reaching the stairs back to the Chapel. But before you go up the stairs, keep an eye out for a crack in the wall that you can squeeze through. On the other side of this crack, you’ll find the Sheet Music collectible on a coffin.
Toe Tag
The last Lagniappe of the set is arguably the most gut-wrenching one to find, and only Emily can find it. Once you truly deal with Emily’s trauma in Chapter 4, you’ll find the Toe Tag connected to the foot of a familiar soldier in the locked-off section of the Infirmary.
Lost Children Set
Rubber Stamp
The first collectible you can snag on your way to getting the shotgun is the Rubber Stamp. At the beginning of Chapter 2, you’ll watch a cutscene as you return to Derceto. You’ll now be in the Reception room on the first floor, and to the right of the Clerk’s Office door, is the Rubber Stamp Lagniappe.
Dog Collar
The Dog Collar is the last Lagniappe of the set you find chronologically. After leaving the Oil Rig and returning to Derceto Manor, you’ll want to open the wedged door to the drawing room on the first floor. Enter the Drawing Room and walk to the back of the room. You find the Dog Collar on the small table’s bottom shelf.
Fountain Pen
The Fountain Pen is one of the first Lagniappes that you can actually miss if you’re not thorough in your investigation. As you explore the rooms on the second floor in Chapter 2, your main task requires you to head to Perosi’s room. But if you head into Batiste’s room right next to Perosi’s, you’ll find the Fountain Pen on a coffee table in the corner of the room.
Prisoner Of Ice set
Tessellated Shard
After wrapping up in the Infirmary and solving the brain puzzle in Chapter 4, you’ll be quickly ushered upstairs to the Attic. Enter the Attic and even though the game wants you to look to the left, go ahead and walk toward the right, there’s a small corner area covered by a wooden wall. Walk past the wall and the Tessellated Shard is on a table next to a light source.
Do Not Disturb
The Do Not Disturb collectible is another one of those that they kinda give you no matter if you look for it or not. Once you return to Derceto Manor from the Steamboat in Chapter 4, you need to pay Dr. Gray’s Apartment on the second floor a visit. Before you enter the room, interact with the item on the doorknob. Make sure you grab the collectible before entering the room, otherwise you will be locked off from it.
Sallow Offering
Once you enter the closet in Dr. Gray’s Apartment in Chapter 4, you’ll be transported to a very icy world. Around the area where you grab the flare gun, long-forgotten tents are getting covered in snow. On one of these tents on the right side of the area, is the Sallow Offering Lagniappe.
The Crescent City set

This Lagniappe is by far the easiest one to get in the entire game. That’s because you don’t have to look for it since you get the Matchbook in a cutscene after finishing the Convent of Taroella and escaping The Dark Man.
The Ju-ju Lagniappe is found in Chapter 1, during your time in the French Quarters. Once you’ve obtained Batiste’s keys, you’ll head down the street until you come across a gate that needs to be unlocked.
Enter the apartment courtyard and be prepared to deal with a few monsters. Head up the stairs on the left and be sure to check your corners. At the top of the stairs behind a very enthusiastic enemy on the right, you’ll find the Ju-ju collectible on a stool.
Streetcar Ticket
In Chapter 2 of Alone in the Dark, you’ll need to visit the Food & Wine Cellar in order to progress the story. However, in the small room, before you enter the main part of the cellar, you’ll find the Streetcar Ticket on a shelf to the right of the locked door.
I had some trouble finding this Lagniappe on my first playthrough, thankfully I had adjusted my Player Guidance settings to help my investigation skills.
The Hartwood Curse set
Alone in the Dark
The fourth-wall-breaking collectible deserves an equally fourth-wall-breaking solution to get it. Whenever you start a new game, head to the Clerk’s Office in Chapter 2. Enter the code 9-1-3 on the safe in the back. Inside is normally where you would find the spare key to Dr Gray’s Office. However, opening it before you could even know the code grants you this Lagniappe.
Witness the Black Pharaoh
To watch the secret cutscene, you’ll need to grab these collectibles. You can start with this poster, which is located in Chapter 3 at the end of the Gallatin Street section. Once you’ve gotten the address, exit the warehouse and you’ll have a new pathway to go.
Make your way to the building but don’t go inside. Instead, enter the small outside area to the right of the door, and on the wall is the Lagniappe.
Discarded Palette
This might be the last or first collectible you find for this set, depending on how thorough you are. But during the Oil Rig section of Chapter 2, you find yourself on the second floor of a building once you lower the bridge. There’s an open window that will trigger a cutscene if you get too close, but before you reach that trigger, squeeze through a section of wood directly to the right of it. In this little nook, you’ll find the Discarded Palette.
Unspeakable Cults set
Once you enter the Infirmary in the Basement during Chapter 4, go look immediately to your left. You should see the skull head Lagniappe sitting on a gurney in the corner of the hallway.
Children of a Dark Sun
Found in Chapter 3 in the Sunken Temple, the Children of a Dark Sun collectible is very missable. The entire place is a giant puzzle, and completing certain sections unlocks corresponding doorways. Eventually, you’ll unlock enough doors where you can go to the top of the giant statue’s head. In the hallway leading to the statue’s head, there’s a room where the Lagniappe is found, right next to a light source.
Ashes of Indigo
The first objective of Chapter 4 requires you to enter the Empty Room on the first floor of the manor. Once you unlock the door and enter the room, the Ashes of Indigo collectible is to the right on top of some furniture.
When It Makes You Worse set
The Flying Dutchman
As you navigate Derceto Manor in Chapter 4, The Flying Dutchman collectible requires you to retrace your steps from earlier. Head down to the Treatment Room on the first floor, you’ll notice Dr. Gray is nowhere to be found. And sitting on the large couch is the Lagniappe we are searching for.
Jack in the Box
Partway through Chapter 2 after you’ve finished the Oil Rig, you’ll get the chance to enter the Sitting Room. Through the Sitting Room, enter Grace’s Room, and the Jack in the Box is located in the back of the room on a chair. This collectible is a bit buggy and may respawn after you grab it, but you don’t need to grab it again. Unless of course, the game decides to take away your collectibles.
At the start of Chapter 2, after you grab the Rubber Stamp Lagniappe, head into the Clerk’s Office. Next, head all the way to the back of the office where the safe is located. In one of the filing cabinets, you’ll find the Rorschach collectible.
The Pirates of Pontchartrain set
Opera Playbill
In Derceto Manor during Chapter 4, return to the Small Parlor on the first floor. In the far left corner of the room next to a chair, you’ll find yourself an Opera Playbill.
Pallid Mask
While you’re traversing around the Steamboat in Chapter 4, make your way to the top of the Steamboat. Walk on the left side of the ship, and in the middle, you should see an open hole in the ground leading to a room below you.
Jump down through the hole, and before opening the door in this room, go through the walkway in front of you. While you can’t exactly walk far in this area, if you turn to your right, you’ll see the Pallid Mask Lagniappe sitting on a chair that looks very comfy.
Map of Caribbean
The Map of the Caribbean is found inside the globe in the Sitting Room on the second floor. However before you can grab it, you need to find the missing globe piece. You find it during Chapter 4, so you don’t need to worry about it if you’re still in Chapter 2.
Published: Mar 20, 2024 5:00 PM UTC