How to play Star Wars Hunters with a controller: Set up and compatability guide
Image: Zynga

All game modes in Star Wars Hunters and how to unlock them

Modes, what do they even do?

Initially, much of Star Wars Hunters will have you unlocking things like the character roster. However, the game also features many modes that need to be earned. To discover all the game modes in Star Wars Hunters and how to unlock them, follow along.

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Star Wars Hunters: All game modes explained, and how to unlock them

Each mode will require you to grind first. But, as long as you play with friends and keep things coordinated, unlocking all the modes should be a breeze. 

Before you start going in guns blazing, it’s a good idea to learn what all the modes are, and how they play. Because if you do, leveling up and unlocking more items will occur more.

How To Play Star Wars Hunters On Pc Featured Image
Image: Zynga

All mode explained

Since Star Wars Hunters is a live service game, you can expect more content including modes to drop later. But for now, we can have four options to pick from. What I like about the mobile game is that all the modes feel different and can stand on their own. By reading on, you may land on the same conclusion.

  • Power Control – Unlocks at level four: You’ve certainly played this mode before. It’s a classic for any shooter. There will be three points to lock down for your team that are spread around far. You have to control at least two points for your score to start going up. The more points you have, the faster the score will accumulate. The first team to reach a score of 100 wins.
  • Squad Brawl – Unlocks at level one: My favorite mode because it’s the easiest to play. Yes, it’s the first mode you get in Star Wars Hunter, but I keep on going back to it. Squad Brawl plays like a typical team deathmatch. Kills are what give you the score. Nothing fancy, just get as many kills as you can.  
Star Wars Hunters Death Star Map
Image: Zynga
  • Trophy Chase – Unlocks at level 11: This mode plays a lot like Capture the Flag,  but the only difference is you don’t set the “flag” down. This iteration will have one player stealing the opposing team’s Trophy and running with it. Now, this is where the fun starts. The one holding the Trophy must not take any damage. So, if you do not have the Trophy, your job is to defend the guy holding it.  On the other side, if someone stole your Trophy, your main goal is to stop and kill the Trophy holder. The longer you have possession of the Trophy, the higher the score goes
  • Dynamic Control – Unlocks at level eight: The little (or big) brother of Power Control. It plays a lot like its counterpart where you must control points. However, instead of three points, you have to fight and defend one point. The reason why it’s called Dynamic Control is that the point moves around. You’ll get a notification where the next point is shortly before the last one expires. When that happens, rush to the point to hold it. To score, you have to keep the point as long as you possibly can

To make the most out of these modes, consider using some of the best characters in Star Wars Hunters

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Image of Raza Malik
Raza Malik
Raza is a Contributing Writer who's been at PC Invasion since March 2023. After he earned his Media Arts degree at Niagara College, he went on to grow his portfolio by working at such publications as GameRant. While he plays a wide array of different types of games, Raza enjoys discussing open-world games, shooters, and live service games. Some of his favorite series include Assassin's Creed, God of War, and the Diablo series. On the side, he enjoys editing videos, and creating content for his side project Marching Into Madness.