Demon negotiation is one of the main selling points of the Shin Megami Tensei series, and SMTV: Vengeance offers one of the deepest demon dialogue systems the series has ever seen. Convincing a demon to join you can be frustrating, but there are ways to make it easier.
The demon negotiation system in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is deceptively simple and it can feel random most of the time, but familiarizing yourself with the habits and behaviors of the game’s dozens of demons is part of the fun. Some demons have incredibly powerful abilities and can even transfer their skills to other demons via fusion, so it’s only fair that the game makes you work for it when you want new party members.
- Table of Contents
How Demon Negotiation Works in SMTV
Demon negotiation is a fairly straightforward process in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. When it’s the Nahobino’s turn during battle, you can choose to talk instead of fight. This is not only used to recruit a demon of your choice on the field, but also to escape from deadly encounters if your team isn’t prepared for a battle.
You’ll be doing just as much talking as fighting in SMTV: Vengeance, so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basic structure of negotiation. When you talk to a demon, they’ll always start the conversation. It’s up to you to respond, and you should choose the response that best matches the demon’s personality. While some dialogue choices have predetermined responses, a large chunk of them have random outcomes.

For example, if you encounter a Slime and see that it’s ignoring you, you can either call out to it or ambush it. Both of these choices can result in the demon instantly joining your team. If you thought that wasn’t random enough, then calling out to the demon can also cause it to keep ignoring you, forcing you to continue the conversation. Plus, sometimes demons will bargain with you and ask for Macca, HP, or other items. This is randomized, too!
SMTV: Vengeance Demon Negotiation Tips
There are a few things you can do to bypass the randomness of negotiation and improve your luck when talking to demons. Firstly, pay attention to the phases of the moon. The moon will continually wane and wax as you explore in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, and the current lunar phase will impact demons’ personalities.
Different demon types are more partial to certain lunar phases. Some will outright refuse to speak with you during a full moon, for example, but other demons might be particularly friendly when there’s a full moon out. Keep an eye on the moon icon in the corner of your screen and make note of how demons react to it.

Certain Miracles will make the negotiation process easier as well. If you unlock the Deathly Aura Miracle, cornered enemies with low HP may initiate dialogue with you on their turn, at which point they can be instantly recruited. The Pacification Miracle, on the other hand, makes demons more likely to forgive you and continue the conversation if you offend them.
Speaking of forgiveness, having certain demons in your active party can give you second chances if you mess up during negotiation. Pixie, for example, has a chance to step in after a failed negotiation and reset the dialogue tree to the very beginning so you can test out other options. It’s a good idea to keep these demons around if you’re planning on doing some recruiting.
All Negotiation Answers in SMTV: Vengeance
Every demon in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance fits into a handful of categories that share the same negotiation dialogue, so you’ll see the same questions and answers quite often. However, there are many random things that affect dialogue outcomes in SMTV: Vengeance, so you won’t always get the same answers. Sometimes it depends on the moon phase, sometimes it depends on your stats, and other times it’s just completely random.
If you’re looking for answers to a specific dialogue, I recommend using CRTL + F to find exactly what you’re looking for in this article. Use the first table to learn all the Demons and their type. The tables after that detail all the possible dialogue options.
This guide is a work in progress and will be continually updated with more demon dialogue.
Category | Included Demons |
Monster | Slime, Daemon, Turdak, Mothman, Legion, Pisaca, Black Ooze, Kumbhanda, Yurlungur, Hecatoncheires |
Tough | Preta, Tsuchigumo, Mokoi, Ippon-Datara, Rakshasa, Incubus, Oni, Naga, Flauros, Kin-Ki, Sui-Ki, Fuu-Ki, Mada |
Rookie | Onmoraki, Kodama, Agathion, Obariyon, Aitvaras, Koppa Tengu, Poltergeist, Chironnup, Basilisk |
Noble | Cait Sith, Shiki-Ouji, Setanta, Ose, Naga Raja, Fafnir |
Old Man | Sandman, Koropokkur, Forneus, Mishaguji, Kaiwan, Hanuman, Girimehkala, Nozuchi |
Brute | Azumi, Yaksini, Dakini, Lachesis, Queen Medb, Rangda, Kali |
Beast | Bicorn, Inugami, Orthrus, Anzu, Byakko, Yamata-no-Orochi, Nue, Cerberus, Zhu Tun She |
Pompous | Andras, Narcissus, Macabre, Oberon, Orobas, Nebiros, Throne, Adramelech, Halphas |
Wise | Berith, Loa, Eligor, Baphomet, Kurama Tengu, Pazuzu, Decarabia, Ongyo-Ki, Chi You |
Cute | Pixie, Mandrake, Zhen, Sudama, Bugs, Hua Po |
Peppy | Kelpie, Nekomata, Lilim, Succubus, Atropos |
Fatale | Manananggal, Lamia, Valkyrie, Clotho, Titania |
Jack Bros | Jack Frost, Jack-o-Lantern |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
There’s a human scent on ya. You got the man-stink. Why’s that, buddy…? | 1. I’m human. 2. I ate a human. 3. I saw humans around. | 1. [RANDOM] [BATTLE] OR [NEW DIALOGUE] Eeheee…? What the hell’s a human doing here? 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] Eehee! Really!? How was it? Tasted delicious, right? 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Eeheee…? What the hell’s a human doing here? | 1. Hunting demons. 1. Moving in. 1. Tourism | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] So hey, what do you actually do with the demons you kill? 2. [DEMON LEAVES] 3. [ITEM GET] |
Eehee! Really!? How was it? Tasted delicious, right? | 1. Pretty tasty. 2. They tasted awful. 3. Good flavor notes, and finely aged. | 1. [BATTLE] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
So hey, what do you actually do with the demons you kill? | 1. Taxidermy. 2. I eat them. 3 Use them for research. | 1. [BATTLE] 2. [END CONVERSATION] 3. [BARGAIN] |
The demon is pretending to ignore you… What will you do? | 1. Call out to them. 2. Do the same. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] The demon is still pretending to ignore you… What will you do? 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] Look here, chump, don’t you know who I am? |
The demon is still pretending to ignore you… What will you do? | 1. Call out to them. 2. Put your guard up. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] The demon is STILL pretending to ignore you… What will you do? 2. [BARGAIN] |
The demon is STILL pretending to ignore you… What will you do? | 1. Call out to them. 2. Ambush them. | 1. [RECRUIT] 2. [RECRUIT] |
Look here, chump, don’t you know who I am? | 1. [DEMON NAME] 2. Master [DEMON NAME] 3. Kid [DEMON NAME] | 1. [END CONVERSATION] 2. [BATTLE] 3. [RECRUIT] |
The demon is beckoning you closer… What will you do? | 1. Go closer. 2. Gesture back. 3. Shoo them away. | 1. [RANDOM] [BARGAIN] OR [BATTLE] 2. [RANDOM] [BARGAIN] OR [NEW DIALOGUE] 3. [RANDOM] [BARGAIN] OR [BATTLE] |
The demon is trying to leave… What will you do? | 1. Stop them. 2. Ignore them. 3. Make a sad face. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] 3. [MACCA GET] |
Dang, you’ve got long hair. Eeheee! Why’s your hair so long? | 1. It’s a curse. 2. To strangle you with. 3. Gets me out of hairy situations. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [BARGAIN] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
The demon seems to want something… What will you do? | 1. Dance. 2. Sing. 3. Flash some Macca. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [BARGAIN] 3. [BATTLE] |
The demon has their guard up… What will you do? | 1. Motion for peace. 2. Put your guard up. | 1. [RANDOM] [BATTLE] OR [NEW DIALOGUE] Eeheehee… How about I tell your future? 2. [RANDOM] [END CONVERSATION] OR [MACCA GET] |
Eeheehee… How about I tell your future? | 1. Sure. 2. I’ll make my own future. 3. I have no future. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] Who the hell are you? 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Who the hell are you? | 1. I’m a god. 2. I’m a student. 3. I’m a protagonist. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
The demon is approaching… What will you do? | 1. Stop them. 2. Glare at them. 3. Keep calm. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [NEW DIALOGUE] Look here, chump! Don’t you know who I am? |
Eehee! See that moonlight shinin’ down!? Makes me feel like a king! A demon king! | N/A | [RANDOM] [BARGAIN] OR [BATTLE] |
Eehee… Where’d the moon go…? No, not you, idiot! I’m lookin’ for the moon! | N/A | [BATTLE] |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
Hey, lemme smack you. | 1. Sure. 2. No. 3. It’ll cost you. | 1. [STRENGTH CONTEST] [RECRUIT] OR [BATTLE] 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] What, you scared? 3. [MACCA GET] |
What, you scared? | 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. I’m not feeling well… | 1. [END CONVERSATION] 2. [BARGAIN] 3. [ITEM GET] |
Let’s compare Strength like real men. I challenge you to arm-wrestling. | 1. You’re on. 2. No way. | 1. [STRENGTH CONTEST] [RECRUIT] OR [BATTLE] 2. [END CONVERSATION] |
The demon is beckoning you closer… What will you do? | 1. Venture closer. 2. Gesture back at them. 3. Put your hand out. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] Y’know, once I start fighting, I’m unstoppable… You got what it takes to shut me down? 3. [NEW DIALOGUE] |
Y’know, once I start fighting, I’m unstoppable… You got what it takes to shut me down? | 1. I do. 2. I don’t. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] Let’s compare Strength like real men. I challenge you to arm-wrestling. 2. [END CONVERSATION] |
Y’know, you kinda got some human-stink on ya. | 1. I am human. 2. I used to be human. 3. I have human friends. | 1. [RANDOM] [BATTLE] OR [BARGAIN] 2. [BARGAIN] 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
So, what kinda work do ya do? | 1. I’m on a journey to train. 2. I’m seeing the world. 3. Academics and athletics. | 1. [STRENGTH CONTEST] [RECRUIT] OR [BATTLE] 2. [BARGAIN] 3. [BARGAIN] |
The demon is approaching… What will you do? | 1. Stop them. 2. Glare at them. 3. Keep calm. | 1. [RANDOM] [BATTLE] OR [DEMON LEAVES] 2. [RANDOM] [BARGAIN] OR [NEW DIALOGUE] You lookin’ at me, buddy? You want some of this? I’ll stone cold murder you. 3. [NEW DIALOGUE] Say, why’s your hair so long? |
You lookin’ at me, buddy? You want some of this? I’ll stone cold murder you. | 1. Glare at them. 2. Ignore them. 3. Walk closer. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] What, you think you’re hot stuff? With a gross-ass face like that? 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] What, you scared? C’mon then, beg for your life. 3. [NEW DIALOGUE] Hey, keep your distance. I’m serious. |
Say, why’s your hair so long? | 1. It’s just my style. 2. Last haircut was a while ago. 3. A god must smite hair-etics. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] So, what kinda work do ya do? 3. [END CONVERSATION |
What, you think you’re hot stuff? With a gross-ass face like that? | 1. It’s just how I look. 2. Still better than you. 3. I’m kind of a stud. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [DEMON LEAVES] 3. [END CONVERSATION] |
What, you scared? C’mon then, beg for your life. | 1. Please spare me. 2. Spare me or I’ll kill you. 3. Help… save… me… | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [ITEM GET] 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
Hey, keep your distance. I’m serious. | 1. Go closer. 2. Step back. 3. Fold your arms. | 1. [ITEM GET] 2. [END CONVERSATION] 3. [BARGAIN] |
Hya HA! Hyahahahaha! (The demon is laughing maniacally… What will you do?) | 1. Laugh just as maniacally. 2. Give them a cold stare. 3. Go right up at them. | 1. [DEMON LEAVES] 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] Uh, yikes… You don’t have to stare, buddy. Wait, am I actually a celebrity out here? 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
Uh, yikes… You don’t have to stare, buddy. Wait, am I actually a celebrity out here? | 1. Can I have an autograph? 2. Can I shake your hand? 3. Can I take a picture? | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [RANDOM] [BARGAIN] OR [STRENGTH CONTEST] [RECRUIT] OR [BATTLE] 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
The demon looks bored… What will you do? | 1. Dance. 2. Sing. 3. Flash some Macca. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [BARGAIN] 3. [BARGAIN] |
What’re you botherin’ me for? You wanna be one of my flunkies or somethin’? | 1. I’d consider it. 2. YOU be MY flunky. 3. If you’ll join me. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] What, you want me to become your crony? Really? 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
What, you want me to become your crony? Really? | 1. Yes. 2. Or my friend. 3. Or my lover. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [RECRUIT] |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
Alright, outta my way! Comin’ through! | 1. Ignore them. 2. Show awe and respect. 3. Trip them. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] Look at you, acting all high and mighty! Who do you think you are? 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [NEW DIALOGUE] Let’s have a race to see which of us is faster! |
Let’s have a race to see which of us is faster! | 1. Sure. 2. No. | 1. [SPEED CONTEST] [RECRUIT] OR [BATTLE] |
Look at you, acting all high and mighty! Who do you think you are? | 1. I’m a feudal lord. 2. I’m you. 3. I am the truth. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
The demon is approaching… What will you do? | 1. Stop them. 2. Glare at them. 3. Keep calm. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] What, you freaked or something? I’m not that scary, am I? 2. [BARGAIN] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
What, you freaked or something? I’m not that scary, am I? | 1. You are. 2. No, you’re not. 3. You stink. | 1. [BATTLE] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
The demon is gesturing for you to come closer… What will you do? | 1. Move closer. 2. Gesture back. 3. Make a fist. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Hey, you! Bow before me! | 1. Bow your head. 2. Look up. 3. Ignore them. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] What’s the matter? Going through something rough? 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
What’s the matter? Going through something rough? | 1. My work is rough. 2. This negotiation is rough. 3. Your face is rough. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Your hair’s so long! | 1. Cool, huh? 2. I don’t have time to get it cut. 3. Yeah, yours doesn’t even comp-hair. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [BATTLE] |
Hmph! I don’t have to listen to you! | 1. Please listen to me. 2. Suit yourself. 3. Then, you talk. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] Look, if you want me to listen, then you know what to do! Hurry up and gimme the goods! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Look, if you want me to listen, then you know what to do! Hurry up and gimme the goods! | 1. Give them water. 2. Give them juice. 3. Give them alcohol. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. [BATTLE] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
The demon is gazing expectantly at you… What will you do? | 1. Dance. 2. Sing. 3. Flash some Macca. | 1. [DEMON LEAVES] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
I’m in a real pickle here… Will you give me what I want? | 1. Sure. 2. No. 3. Sure, but not for free. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
I wanna get to know you better. How ’bout we shake hands? | 1. Sure. 2. Let’s not. 3. I wanna arm-wrestle instead. | 1. [END CONVERSATION] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
Your hair is rather impressive. Is it proof of your heroism? | 1. That’s right. 2. It’s proof of my fashion sense. 3. It’s proof of my godhood. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] Would there not be a problem if you were to attract an unsavory sort? 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Would there not be a problem if you were to attract an unsavory sort? | 1. Yeah, there’d be trouble. 2. No one’s gonna come for me. 3. Look who’s talking. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
You are experienced with fusion, yes? | 1. Are you talking about Aogami? 2. You mean demon fusion? 3. I’m not into that sort of thing. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. [BATTLE] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Old Man
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
I got no trust for a Johnny-come-lately like yourself. | 1. That’s fine. 2. Please trust me. 3. I can’t trust you either. | 1. [BATTLE] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
To tell ya the truth, I dropped somethin’… | 1. What did you drop? 2. I can help. 3. Just give up. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] Hmm? Where do I live again? 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Hmm? Where do I live again? | 1. Right here. 2. You don’t have a home. 3. Somewhere in Shinagawa. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [BARGAIN] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
The demon is gesturing for you to come closer… What will you do? | 1. Move closer. 2. Gesture back. 3. Wave your hand. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
The demon is grimacing… What will you do? | 1. Bow politely. 2. Speak sociably. 3. Grimace back. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] Youngsters are so respectful these days. So, what’re ya doin’ here? 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Youngsters are so respectful these days. So, what’re ya doin’ here? | 1. I’m looking for allies. 2. I’m training. 3. Just hanging around. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. [VITALITY CONTEST] [RECRUIT] OR [BATTLE] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Got any idea which demon this is? | 1. Random list of demons. | 1. [RECRUIT] or [DEMON LEAVES] |
How will you respond? | 1. Amicably. 2. Aggressively. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Gotta ask ya… Does it hurt ya to kill the elderly, even just a little? | 1. Not at all. 2. Yes it does. | 1. [ITEM GET] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
YOU, DIG HERE! DIG QUICK! | 1. Try digging. 2. Don’t dig. 3. Tell them to dig. | 1. [DEMON LEAVES] 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] HMM? WHY DO YOU NOT DIG? 3. [BATTLE] |
HMM? WHY DO YOU NOT DIG? | 1. I’ll get my hands all dirty. 2. Not like I’ll find anything. 3. This is a grave, isn’t it. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
The demon is stretching… What will you do? | 1. Stare at them. 2. Stretch along with them. 3 Curl up. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] WHAT? YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME? 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] WHY ARE YOU STRETCHING? 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
WHY ARE YOU STRETCHING? | 1. I wanted to be like you. 2. I’m loosening up. 3. I’m trying to look bigger. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
WHAT? YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ME? | 1. You look badass. 2. You look adorable. 3. Your fur looks expensive. | 1. [BATTLE] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
YOU SMELL LIKE A HUMAN… ARE YOU HUMAN? | 1. Yeah. 2. I have human friends. 3. I ate some human food. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] MAYBE YOU SHOULD THROW YOUR BRAIN AWAY. 2. [DEMON LEAVES] 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
MAYBE YOU SHOULD THROW YOUR BRAIN AWAY. | 1. You’re right. 2. I can’t. 3. Throw it away where? | 1. [ITEM GET] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
ARE YOU SCARED TO DIE? | 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. I want to die. | 1. [BATTLE] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
WHY DO YOU DO IT? | 1. It’s the law of the jungle. 2. Because I need to eat. 3. For the thrill of the hunt. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. [BARGAIN] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
DO YOU WANT POWER? | 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. I want all the power. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] THEN, TAKE MY HAND… 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
THEN, TAKE MY HAND… | 1. Take their hand. 2. Hold out your own hand. 3. Point out that it’s a paw. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [END CONVERSATION] |
YOU SMELL LIKE BLOOD! YOU MUST HAVE KILLED MANY DEMONS. | 1. Didn’t have a choice. 2. I’ll pray for them. 3. That smell might be you. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] YOU HAD NO CHOICE…? WHY NOT? 2. [BATTLE] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
YOU HAD NO CHOICE…? WHY NOT? | 1. Because it’s my job. 2. They attacked me. 3. I have to obey the beast within. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
YOUR HAIR IS SO LONG! WHY? | 1. It’s fashionable. 2. To look intimidating. 3. It puts me a “cut” above. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [DEMON LEAVES] |
The demon is gazing expectantly at you… What will you do? | 1. Dance. 2. Sing. 3. Flash some Macca. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
URGH…! PLEASE LET ME GO. | 1. You can go. 2. There’s no escape. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. [ITEM GET] |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
By the way… What do you see me as? | 1. [DEMON NAME] 2. Some old guy. 3. A boss. | 1. [CONVERSATION END] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
The demon is approaching… What will you do? | 1. Stop them. 2. Glare at them. 3. Keep calm. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] Now, look into my eyes… 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Now, look into my eyes… | 1. Stare at them. 2. Look away. 3. Roll your eyes back. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [ITEM GET] |
The demon looks bored… What will you do? | 1. Dance. 2. Sing. 3. Flash some Macca. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. [DEMON LEAVES] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
The demon is laughing ominously… What will you do? | 1. Laugh with them. 2. Watch them. 3 Talk to them. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [NEW DIALOGUE] What are you going to do about this? |
What are you going to do about this? | 1. What should I do? 2. What kind of memories? 3. Forget about your past. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. [BARGAIN] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
We’re still working on this. Check back soon! | We’re still working on this. Check back soon! | We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
Here! Who is this demon? | 1. Random list of demons. | 1. [RECRUIT] OR [DEMON LEAVES] |
Let’s play rock-paper-scissors! I wanna know who’s got better Luck. | 1. Sure. 2. No | 1. [LUCK CONTEST] [RECRUIT] OR [BATTLE] 2. [CONVERSATION END] |
The demon is staring at you with an innocent look in their eyes… | 1. Smile. 2. Offer your hand. 3. Bow | 1. [BATTLE] 2. [NEW DIALOGUE] Does that mean you want something from me? 3. [NEW DIALOGUE] Well, there’s something I want… |
Well, there’s something I want… | 1. What is it? 2. I want something to. | 1. [BATTLE] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Does that mean you want something from me? | 1. I want you to join me. 2. I want you to slap me. 3. Rock-paper-scissors. | 1. [CONVERSATION END] 2. [STRENGTH CONTEST] [RECRUIT] OR [BATTLE] 3. [LUCK CONTEST] [RECRUIT] OR [BATTLE] |
The demon has their guard up… What will you do? | 1. Motion for peace. 2. Put your guard up. | 1. [DEMON LEAVES] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Hey… Can I rip off your arms and legs? | 1. No. 2. I’ll rip yours off. | 1. [NEW DIALOGUE] Why though? 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Why though? | 1. Because it’s cruel. 2. Because I’ll die. 3. No means no. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. [CONVERSATION END] |
So, what’re you doing here? | 1. I’m working. 2. I’m out having fun. 3. I’m looking for a place to die. | 1. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 2. [CONVERSATION ENDS] 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Here I come! Make sure you catch me! | 1. Sure. 2. Please don’t. 3. I’ll take you down. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Hey… Wanna play? | 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. It’ll cost you. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
You’re that new demon that came here just recently, right? I can’t really trust you… | 1. That’s fine. 2. Please trust me. 3. I can’t trust you either. | 1. [BARGAIN] 2. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! 3. We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
We’re still working on this. Check back soon! | We’re still working on this. Check back soon! | We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
We’re still working on this. Check back soon! | We’re still working on this. Check back soon! | We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes. |
Now then, tell me which demon this is! | 1. Random list of demons. | 1. [RECRUIT] OR [DEMON LEAVES] |
Jack Bros
Demon Dialogue | Choices | Outcomes |
We’re still working on this. Check back soon! | We’re still working on this. Check back soon! | We’re still working on this. Check back soon! |
Published: Jun 14, 2024 3:22 AM UTC