Figures from a research company have shown that Aion is by far the most-played game in South Korean internet cafes.
The Korean site Gametrics reports that over 17% of Korean internet cafe players spend their time playing the high-flying MMO, with the next closest title, Assault OL, claiming around 11% of the share. World of Warcraft, which is said to have around 11 million worldwide players, sits at number five on the list at 5%.
Aion, which has been out in South Korea since November 2008, was recently launched in the west after a hugely successful reception in Asia. The game was highly anticipated prior to its western début thanks to the beautiful CryEngine graphics, and characters’ ability to fly.Proof of the game’s popularity was further backed up by lengthy server queues shortly after the western launch, prompting NCsoft to open more servers in both North America and Europe.Take a look at our review if you’ve yet to try it out.
Published: Feb 4, 2010 8:11 PM UTC