The game director for Age of Conan has written his monthly letter, revealing details for the upcoming 1.05 update.
Some of the main features that will be in the next game patch include a large new outdoor playfield, a new RPG system, ability, spell and feat updates and a new storyline with new quests. However, a number of smaller changes are taking place such as:
New Provisioners – These new vendors can be found in several places selling crates of certain potions and food so you don’t need to buy them one by one anymore. (The stack sizes of potions and food have been increased as well)
City Life – Players will find their guild cities get a little more populated with NPC visitors, guests and residents. The guild cities should be a little livelier now.
‘Path of Comrades’ – A new recall ability (that shares it refresh timer with the path of Asura) obtained from your guild city allows you to return to your guild city.
More travel options – New NPCs in the guild cities will offer passage to several locations.
New Social Pets – Check out new vendors in the guild city for some new faithful companions.
Improved Guards – The guards across Hyboria should behave better around PVP and react against the correct targets. When you are tagged as the ‘aggressor’ in a fight will also now be visible in your GUI.
The letter also revealed that Funcom is awarding a free extra character slot to all accounts that have been paying subscription for at least six months. This slot will become available to subscribers who pass the six month mark in future. In addition, once the update goes live players will have the option to buy another two character slots, regardless of subscription length, meaning a possible total of eleven slots for veterans.According the the director, update 1.05 is progressing well on the test servers and the live date will be decided soon.
This letter comes after news of AoC’s improved performance, which included “a significant increase in new customers”. Read more about the game’s current situation in yesterday’s article.
Published: May 19, 2009 09:48 am