For some odd reason I was compelled to play DayZ Standalone for the first time this morning. Having only dabbled a little with the original game it seemed a good idea to find out what Dean Hall and the Bohemia crew have been up to all these months.
Starting out in a really bleak town my objective was to find stuff, any stuff, anything I might need. It’s not easy though if you’re new to the game and have no idea what the controls are.
As this is an Alpha version, documentation is sparse and not all the keys are in the settings panel. To make life a little easier for any new players, here’s a list of the controls you’ll need when starting out.
- TAB – Inventory
- F – Use Flashlight – You will have to add the battery to the Flashlight first to make it usable. Use SPACE to point it.
- Shift – Walk/Run. Double tap shift to continually run.
- V – Â Jump or step over low objects such as fences.
- Punch – Hits space  to raise hands and left click to punch
- 1-9 Switch between items in the hotbar.
- Weapons – Drag from inventory to action bar. Space to ready weapon. Right click to zoom with the weapon. Rel0ad  with middle button
- ENTER – Switch betwee 1st and 3rd person
- X – Crouch
- C – Stand
- Z – Â Go prone
- F1 – Â Emote wave
- F2 – Hands up to show you are friendly
- F3 – sit down
- Middle mouse button – climb down ladders
- P- List players
- Q – Lean left
- E- Lean right
- CAPS – Activate mic for voice
- / – Open Chat
I didn’t fare too well this evening, I opened a door just after I spawned and got attacked by a zombie and I started bleeding everywhere. The guy next to me (thankfully he was a friendly chap) told me to strafe and sidestep around the attacker because at the moment they can’t seem to hit when you’re dancing around them. If only I’d known that at the start.
Published: Dec 22, 2013 04:15 am