Perhaps the code boffins at Bethesda have decided that all these weird and wonderful clues on the Fallout 4 teaser site are getting too cryptic so the message has been changed. This one is a little more straightforward
Nuclear winter is coming in 6days 11h 41m 25s (counting down)
This was preceded earlier in the evening by:
Bridgeport, this is Concord (MA), message: Quabbin Reservoir is hit, repeat, Quabbin Reservoir is hit
There has also been talk of a leaked audio clip which includes The End of The World by Patti Page. At this point there’s no way to tell if this was a wind-up so we’ll ignore that for now until there’s some more concrete evidence.
It’s hard to keep up with all the updates in the past few days so here’s a quick recap on our posts in cases you missed anything:
- Back in August an anonymous tipster pops up saying the game will be set in Boston.
- The site appears on 14 November
- European tradmark discovered on 17 November
- 20 November – Morse code changes
- 22 November Nuclear Winter is coming message appears
- 22-24 November – Â New code with two dates and reference to the Quabbin Reservoir
- 25 November – New Morse code
- 26 November – Another new Morse code
After following this since the teaser site appeared, I failed to spot the anonymous tipster update from August, mainly because Peter wrote the story at the time. It does look like everything is tying nicely together. Also, check out this map by volx1337 which shows some of the locations that have been posted about so far in the clues.
What happens in six days? What happens today? What happens tomorrow? If they’re wanting to string this out we’ll probably have some other damn clue to figure out but there are indications that they’re priming the site for a reveal with references in the source code to video streaming and possible images.
If you’re not interested in Fallout 4 you’re probably thinking this is all rather tedious but Fallout fans are lapping this up which can only be good for the franchise.
Thanks Brooks in the comments and /r/Fallout
Published: Nov 25, 2013 10:52 am