Some players of Mythic Entertainment’s Warhammer Online have been overcharged by up to hundreds of dollars due to a billing issue with subscription fees.
Mythic was quick to respond to the problem, assuring those affected that the funds would be refunded to their banks within 24-36 hours. The company also promised that any bank charges incurred by going overdrawn would be refunded.
“We have confirmed with our vendor that players who have been charged multiple times for their subscriptions should start seeing a reversal of charges within 24-36 hours. We anticipate that once the charges have been reversed, any fees that have been incurred should be refunded as well.”
If players find that there are still outstanding charges, they have been instructed to contact their bank to explain the situation. Failing that, they should contact Mythic’s billing department. You can find out more at the official site.
Published: Apr 9, 2010 08:47 am