Lionhead has announced a ‘Christmas bonus’ for players of its Fable III mobile phone game Kingmaker.
Winning players of the game will receive a bounty of 50,000 gold coins to ‘ensure they truly have the Midas touch as they battle to rule over Albion in the full Fable III game.’
Lionhead wrote: “Almost 90,000 people are already embroiled in the action and with “Fable III: Kingmaker” now running until 1st January 2011, fans of the Fable franchise still have time to build a nest egg and transfer it into the realm of Albion in the full game.
“To signal the end of the battle, “Fable III: Kingmaker” players on the winning team in their country will each receive a 50,000 gold coin bonus. The gold rush continues as those on the winning team for the battle of Europa will be gifted a further 100,000 gold coins per player.
“More astute monarchs will also be able to discover even more riches by finding a variety of treasure chests hidden in the game, each of which holds up to 5,000 pieces of gold. So far, over 37,000 chests full to the brim with bounty have been found with thousands more awaiting discovery.”
More can be found here.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Dec 22, 2010 01:21 pm