In Like a Dragon Gaiden, you’ll need to take photos of a few places and objects to clear various side missions, including a creature known as a kappa. Here is our guide telling you where to find the kappa in Like a Dragon Gaiden.
Like a Dragon Gaiden – where to find the kappa
On the north side of the main river that runs through town, you’ll meet a fellow at a bench. He wants you to find the kappa that waits nearby. It’s a test for a tourism idea he has, and there’s a reward on the line if you can make it happen. To find the kappa, you actually just have to check across the river from the man on the bench.
The most difficult part of the How ‘Bout Them Kappas mission is knowing what a kappa even looks like. I had a vague idea that it was some sort of river devil, which a little online research into mythology tells me was pretty close. The kappas featured in Japanese stories made a name for themselves by forcefully drowning children.
Related: Where to find and photograph Fukupi-chan in Like a Dragon Gaiden
To find the kappa in Like a Dragon Gaiden, check on the south side of the river. It stands in a dirt bed with brick walls where you might usually expect to see flowers. You can find it at the precise location indicated on the map in the above screenshot. Pull out your camera and make sure it points directly at the creature. You’ll see an on-screen prompt to let you know you have discovered a target of interest.
Simply take a picture of the kappa and bring your photograph to the man who sent you on your mission. You will receive a generous reward of 40,000 yen and 1,000 Akame Points. He is quite pleased with your work.
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Published: Nov 8, 2023 09:00 am