The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has a massive amount of side quests that they give to you throughout your time in Hyrule. You can find them basically anywhere, from Stables to literally just on the side of the road; there are so many to find. Some of these can be easy to do, but some can also be incredibly tricky to find the answers to. One of the Side Adventures in Tears of the Kingdom is Who Goes There? A quest that you get in Lookout Landing. Here’s our guide on how to complete Who Goes There? In Tears of the Kingdom.
How to complete Who Goes There? In Tears of the Kingdom
This Side Adventure is actually pretty easy to complete in Tears of the Kingdom if you know where to go. When you receive this quest, you’ll be at the bottom of Lookout Landing, in the Emergency Shelter. Jerrin, who gives you the quest, says that they can hear something coming from the hole in the wall.
To complete the Who Goes There? quest in Tears of the Kingdom, the first thing you need to do is head through that hole in the wall. So crouch down and nudge your way through. After you enter this hole, you should be greeted by a cave called the Royal Hidden Passage. When you get in here, you should see a text box appear.
You’re going to want to break the rocks in front of you and follow that text box. You can break the rocks in front of you using many different methods in Tears of the Kingdom, but they give you a rock that you can fuse to a weapon to use as a way of smashing the boulders if you don’t have another method lined up.
After breaking a few of the rocks on this path, you should notice an opening on the right-hand side, if you haven’t already noticed the text box coming from there. This is where you need to go. Talk to the statue, and this will start another Side Adventure where you’ll need to talk to the statue to get the heart it takes off your back as either a heart or a chunk of stamina. After this you’ll be able to exchange hearts for stamina and vice versa. After doing this, head back and talk to Jerrin, which will then complete the Who Goes Where? Side Adventure for you.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available for purchase from the Nintendo Store.
Published: Jun 21, 2023 04:39 pm