The episodic adventure continues as the second installment in the Hitman (2016) franchise continues with Hitman-Episode 2: Sapienza. Along with that comes the second elusive target. What that means is, the objective target is hidden within the level, not showing up on instinct mode, delivering an additional challenge to the series.
In terms of the first Elusive Target, players were able to eliminate him just under seven minutes. Overall, 53% were able to eliminate him. At this point you have the next 48-hours to take out, with limited intel, the next target.
Start time: Friday May 27 14:00 CEST / 05:00 PDT
End time: Sunday May 29 14:00 CEST / 05:00 PDT
Hitman is available for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The second episode “Sapienza” is available now via Steam on PC. Killing off 10 Elusive Targets will deliver a specialty suit to Agent-47.
Published: May 27, 2016 02:07 pm