Though Blizzard stated the World of Warcraft: Legion Beta should be released within weeks after BlizzCon, fans are still revved up over the alpha testing phase. Obviously this means there will be a great deal of development to come, but a look into the Burning Legion seems well worth the wait. In an email obtained by BlizzardWatch, the alpha invitation boasted,
You’ll get a first look at the fierce new Demon Hunter class, explore the fabled Broken Isles, take control of class order halls and artifact weapons, and get reacquainted with the demonic Burning Legion!
That does sound great but we’ll get into what content has really been released in just a bit.
If you’re curious as to whether you may be in this very exclusive release, simply open your Battle.Net application on your computer, navigate to the World of Warcraft tab, and under the Account/Region drop down menu there would be a section called “Alpha:Legion.” Just try not to get your hopes too high as it seems like the invites went solely to selective streamers and Blizzard employee’s relatives. Unfortunately for all you Mac users out there the alpha client install is still a bit buggy. Be sure to check this tech support site to be kept up to date on the latest news on that topic and know they are always thinking of you,
Mac is supported, just delayed, much like Diablo 3, which only worked on PC for about a week or two. It’s just the nature of having an understaffed mac team. Things can’t be ready at the same time.
If you are wondering what exactly is in the alpha we do have a bit of clarification. Once you see how limited the content is, you’ll understand why this was listed as an alpha. Players can begin exploring the new class: Demon Hunter’s starting experience, which includes Mardum and the Vault of the Wardens. Unfortunately that means the entirely new level 100-110 zone: Broken Isles is not out yet for your exploration. Though you, yourself might not get to play Blizzard has not issued any non-disclosure, meaning that content can be freely published via streams or YouTube.
According to all sources, the intended final release date still seems to be set on September 2016. If you’re already convinced there is, of course, the option to pre-purchase the standard and digital-deluxe versions here, which will get you an instant level 100 boost to the character of your choosing right away.
Published: Nov 25, 2015 10:34 am