Battlefield 3, Kinect Sports Season 2 and… not a lot else.
For many of you, this week marks the most exciting of the year with the launch of EA DICE’s Battlefield 3 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Our review of the near-future shooter is due later this week, so keep an eye out for that.
Elsewhere is, to be honest, a little bland. Microsoft’s Kinect Sports Season 2 joins the likes of Disney Universe, House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut and handheld releases of PES 2012 and Football Manager 2012 in a case of ‘let’s avoid Battlefield 3 syndrome’.
Hang on! What am I talking about!? I forget that this week sees the release of Imagine Fashion Designer on 3DS. Finally. Gok Wan ain’t got nothing on me now!
Image taken from Battlefield 3.
Interesting releases for the week ending Friday 28 October as follows:
Xbox 360
Battlefield 3
Kinect Sports Season 2
Disney Universe
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
Dance Central 2 (N. America only. Already released in Europe)
The War of the Worlds (XBLA)
Zombie Apocalypse (XBLA)
PlayStation 3
Battlefield 3
Disney Universe
Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
The House of the Dead: Overkill – Extended Cut
PixelJunk SideScroller (PSN)
Daytona USA (PSN)
Battlefield 3
Stronghold 3
The Cursed Crusade
Football Manager 2012 (PSP)
PES 2012 (PSP)
Pokemon Rubble Blast (3DS)
Captain America: Super Solider (3DS)
Published: Oct 24, 2011 01:07 pm