Submerged follows Miku, a girl tasked with caring for her wounded brother who she has brought to the city in their small fishing boat. Armed with only a telescope, she must search the city for supplies that her brother needs. The game is stunning in its simplicity, with the decrepit structures in the environment giving off a calm, peaceful vibe. As you explore, you’ll find objects that will serve to piece together the story.
Australian independent studio Uppercut Games is behind Submerged, and it’s a refreshing departure from what the members of their team have worked on in the past. The team is composed of developers who have worked on AAA titles like Bioshock, so you know that a considerable amount of experience has gone into this project.
Submerged features zero combat – it’s not going to be Miku against the world, but Miku and the world. It focuses heavily on exploration, and it’s meant to be played slow, almost meditative. If you’re looking for something challenging yet relatively peaceful, you should consider this game. The scenery is beautiful, and you’ll actually have time to appreciate it.
Submerged will be available on Steam beginning August 4th, and will launch with a discount.
Published: Jul 28, 2015 11:17 pm