Over the holidays AMD users discovered their older DX9 games had stopped working with the latest driver updates. Initially, AMD told users they would not be fixing the issue then earlier this week they confirmed that a hotfix would in fact be released. Just as well because there were some very unhappy AMD users.
That hotfix has now been released as the Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 18.1.1 Alpha drivers. These are available now and the only notes included cover the DX9 problem. AMD also issues a warning that these are not recommended for general use which indicates this is some kind of temporary fix.
- This early access driver is being provided for users who have had issues launching a small number of DirectX 9 based games. This alpha driver has not been fully tested by AMD and is not recommended for general use.
The new drivers can be picked up from the official site right now which will allow you to play classics like The Witcher, Red Alert 3, Skyrim and others once again.
Published: Jan 5, 2018 01:09 am