After a break of a week, Epic is back patching Paragon tomorrow taking the game to v.43.2 and it’s got a few things worth noting.
As far as heroes are concerned, there are really only minor changes to effects and even facial animation adjustments. No major balancing in this update. There are points worth noting for specific cards such as Thorned Yormi, Plague Lord Mallenk and Woundseeker which are pretty popular cards in a lot of decks.
There is a change to towers, specifically non-tier 1 towers. An early game bonus armor is now being applied to these so that’s tier 2 and inhibitors now getting that bonus also. There is also a load of collision fixes following the release of the new Monolith map a couple of weeks ago.
Still no news on Paragon‘s major issue the matchmaking but hopefully that will be attended to in the next couple of months. It really needs to be looked at badly.
Paragon v.43.2 patch notes
Feng Mao
- Reaping Dash
- Description updated to more clearly describe the ability
- Reaping Dash
- Steel
- New Emote
- Take the Floor
- New Emote
- TwinBlast
- Fixed an issue where TwinBlast could get stuck in a number of different areas of the map using the Rocket Dash ability
- Lt. Belica
- Minor facial animation adjustments
- Greystone
- Make Way
- Visual effects were absent after respawning if Greystone died while Make Way was active
- Make Way
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Finder of Playthings
- No longer grants vision of enemy minions
- Thorned Yomi
- Will no longer draw tower aggro if damage is dealt to an enemy hero while in tower range
- Plague Lord Mallenk & Woundseeker
- Blight effects no longer stack
- Finder of Playthings
- Balance changes
- Unstable Cyborg
- Reduced Ability damage on activation from 125 to 65.
- Reduced Basic Armor from 47 to 36.
- Reduced Power from 17 to 14.
- Unstable Cyborg
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Relentless Pursuit
- Description updated to more clearly describe the gem’s function
- Damage Return
- Will no longer draw tower aggro if damage is dealt to an enemy hero while in tower range
- Relentless Pursuit
- Towers
- Early game bonus armor now exists on all Towers and Inhibitors, rather than just Tier 1 towers
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- Fixed an issue that prevented tower kills from granting gold to a team if minions last hit the tower
- Fixed an issue that caused players to become stuck on the wall behind the white camp in the Dusk left jungle
- Fixed a collosion issue on Dawn side mid lane (left of Tier 1 tower wall)
- Heroes capable of jumping high could get stuck
- Fixed a collision issue on the Dawn side safe lane Tier 1 tower
- Fixed a collision issue which allowed Kallari and Wukong to reach an unintentded walkable area
- Fixed a collision issue on Dusk side safe lane
- Fixed a collision issue on Dusk side left jungle – white camp which resulted in heroes with movement abilities to become stuck
- Fixed a collision issue on Dawn side left jungle
- Fixed an issue which granted players vision of an enemy when looking through a wall
- Fixed an issue which caused turrets to remain visible after being destroyed
- Polish and Bug Fixing
- The cost to unlock Growth Totem has been fixed; it is now set to 75,000 Reputation
- Critical health overlay has been removed from replays
- New Store Content
- Flag of Decay Banner
- Loot Crates: 43.2Â Changes
- Added
- Common
- Solar Default Grim.EXE
- Marine Default Grim.EXE
- Molten Default Crunch
- Tropic Default Crunch
- Common
- Added
- October Monthly Mega Vault
- Added
- Undead Zechin Huntress Sparrow
- Golden Key
- Loot Crate x2
- Mastery Token x1
- Added
Published: Oct 3, 2017 01:14 am