A game created by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has announced its PEGI Online registration today for Against All Odds. The game has been out since 2005, but has only recently acquired its rating.
The game is designed to educate and inform children of the difficulties faced by refugees and has been given a 7+ rating.
Peter Kessler, UNHCR spokesman in London has said that “hundreds of thousands of kids learned about the life of refugees by playing this game.”
But the real issue here is the PEGI registration, again, begging the question of the BBFC in games classification. Paul Jackson, ELSPA head man, said today: “The PEGI Online age ratings system is incredibly important and designed to protect children when playing games online. It is future-proof and has been developed as part of the PEGI age ratings system which is featured on all boxed products released across Europe.”
So if you want to see if you can make it as a refugee, maybe become a little more aware of the plight faced these displaced people, you can download the game here. Otherwise, if you want to know more about PEGI then click here.
Published: Jun 30, 2008 09:00 am