Sports Interactive (SI) has confirmed its MMO football management sim, Football Manager Live, is not far from release.”We’re pretty close to finishing the first iteration now,” SI’s Miles Jacobson told Evo Gamer “as in the code that will be released.”Jacobson also confirmed the development team would continue to work on the project following the release of the first version.”The game will likely never be ‘finished’,” he said, adding “there will be new features and updates every few months for those that subscribe to the game, which will be part of the subscription.”Football Manager Live is set to be the first MMO management sim, allowing you to build a club from scratch and take it online. You can set up mini-leagues with friends, bid in player auctions and compete in real-time matches 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Jul 21, 2008 09:01 am