HanbitSoft are reportedly interested in relaunching Hellgate: London in the west, but are prevented from doing so by licensing agreements.HanbitSoft, a Korean company, bought the Hellgate IP when Flagship Studios folded, and has been working on the game ever since.Gamasutra say that while HanbitSoft is interested in either opening western servers or allowing European and US players access to their Korean servers, they’re preventing from doing so as Namco Bandai owns the publishing rights to the game in the west, and are apparently uninterested in re-opening any Western servers.HanbitSoft recently patched Hellgate: London in Korea. We spoke to Bill Roper a little while ago and asked him a lot of questions about Hellgate and his thoughts on HanbitSoft, and talked about his feelings regarding Hellgate and Flagship.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Apr 3, 2009 09:59 am