Natural Selection 2 developer Unknown Worlds have had to request that Valve disable 1,341 Natural Selection 2 keys after it was discovered they were purchased through key resellers.
According to the developer, the card holder that initially purchased the keys initiated a charge-back which meant that the developer never saw a penny from the purchases and Unknown Worlds were charged by the card issuer for the charge-back. This charge to Unknown Worlds came to a whopping $30,000.
The thief with the stolen credit card that was used to initially purchase the keys for resale before disputing the charge doesn’t lose out, he/she gets to keep the money paid for the keys by the legitimate customer.
It’s not uncommon to find game keys on reseller sites but this incident should be taken as a warning to anyone who purchases keys through unofficial channels. Thieves use stolen credit cards in all kinds of creative ways and this is just another example of how gamers can be stung.
If you’re wanting to purchase Natural Selection 2 there are two places you can obtain a copy, directly through Steam or their website.
Source: Unknown Worlds blog
Published: Mar 8, 2013 04:26 pm