Cities: Skylines has trumped the SimCity series, and Paradox now appear to be eyeing up The Sims players.
Paradox seemed surprised at the success of Cities: Skylines, although it looks like they had little to worry about, and recent comments indicate they may be looking to further fill Maxis’ shoes by releasing a The Sims-style game in the future. Paradox’s VP of Acquisition, Shams Jorjani, has talked a little bit about what might be on the cards.
“We first talked about taking on the city builder genre four years ago.
“We, rightly so, came to the insight that it’s not something one does in one bold stroke. It’s like knocking over a refrigerator – you have to rock it back and forth a few times and then you push it over. It takes time, patience and preparation.
“The life sim genre is a very, very big fridge. But it’s sure one we’d like to knock over. Keep an eye out for our 2016 releases for the first push.”
All of which makes it sound like something The Sims-like is in the works.
Paradox are doing very well at the moment, not only with the success of Cities: Skylines, but also with their publishing of Obsidian’s Pillars of Eternity. Both titles are currently sitting at the top of the Steam charts.
Published: Mar 25, 2015 10:19 PM UTC