The beta’s been out for one day, but that’s long enough for the playerbase to spot a number of rather problematic bugs in Dota 2 Reborn, and for Valve to hurl out their max-level Wild Axes of Bugfixing. And a 5.5GB update. Bugger me.
None of the bugs are particularly hilarious, but a fair few of them aren’t particularly esoteric or dependent on weird, ultra-specific conditions. “Fixed illusions being able to manipulate and sell items”, for instance. “Fixed a crash when dire or radiant ancients are destroyed” is also probably something they want to get sorted before The International 2015 kicks off, so it’s a good thing they worked out whatever was triggering that one.
Okay, fine, some of them are quite funny. “Fixed Huskar causing significant framerate loss”, for instance. I’d have gone with “Fixed Life Break being castable on enemy players’ computers”, but oh well.
Dota 2 Reborn is Valve’s attempt to shunt Dota 2 back in beta, having gotten bored with actually releasing a game. It updates everything into Source 2 with 64-bit and DX11 support, rejigs the interface, makes things friendlier for newbies, adds all sorts of new metrics like Hero MMR, hurls in Custom Games, and does a bunch of other things too numerous to list here.
Detailed patch notes for this first, massive fix-a-thon can be found below. I’ve spent a fair few hours with the beta since launch, and with a bit of luck I’ll be providing you with my thoughts sometime later today.
- Fixed illusions being able to manipulate and sell items
- Fixed various bugs with Render Quality setting
- Fixed Huskar causing significant framerate loss
- Fixed various crashes when joining lobbies
- Fixed Armlet causing you to lose too much HP when toggling
- Updated many areas of the Terrain
- Fixed various bugs with hero abilities in Demo Mode
- Fixed various lobby bugs (including games often not launching when full, more lobby fixes to come here)
- Fixed being able to escape the map in Demo Mode
- Fixed Decay not manipulating HP properly
- Fixed a crash when using Charms
- Fixed Custom Game panel sometimes not showing games
- Fixed various bugs when gaining item drops
- Fixed some old Arcanas not working properly
- Fixed being able to ward in the Roshan pit
- Fixed Terrain texture quality bugs
- Added a new netgraph vconsole subtool. Launch Vconsole2.exe and select the netgraph icon.
- Fixed an issue with how we update the beta that caused existing downloads to restart when updates started (fixed for updates after this one)
- Fixed being unable to play private bot games when in a party
- Fixed enemy seeing Necro units on minimap
- Fixed sometimes being unable to see the game name when you join a lobby
- Fixed a crash when dire or radiant ancients were destroyed
- Fixed bugs with Truesight
- Fixed disconnect button not working while connected to a custom game
- Fixed some heroes having incorrect voice filters
- Fixed Windranger spawn line
- Fixed Necrophos voice and spawn lines
- Fixed all chat not working sometimes
- Fixed various bugs with screen resolutions
- Fixed automatic region detection not working
- Fixed sometimes not being able to see which custom game your friend is playing
- Fixed some areas where player IPs were discoverable
- Profile now shows the same stats as the ones you select for your miniprofile
- Added Australia and Brazil regions for Reborn beta
- Fixed text formatting carrying through incorrectly in the friends feed
- Fixed Acid Spray from blocking neutrals
- Fixed “Chat with player” not grabbing focus
- Fixed some crashes when using chat commands
- Fixed losing some sound settings if they were changed while playing a custom game
- Fixed not being able to start game under Windows N
- Fixed a crash related to various source1 command lines (-enable_addons, -novid, -dxlevel)
- Fixed match disabled label in play tab not going away when match disabled time expires
- Solo bot match when in a party now starts a lobby game and connects, instead of playing a local match
- Fixed “Kick from lobby team” showing up at the wrong times in player context menu
- Fixed ApplyDataDrivenModifier causing an error when setting duration in script
- Fixed the reconnect button behavior when in custom games
- Fixed Lone Druid bear not animating sometimes
Published: Jun 19, 2015 9:02 AM UTC